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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The appeal

The universe fascinates me. The fathoming (not a word) of everything.  Love and God. Or I should say Love is God. If you look at the example of 1Cornithians13:4 it gives us a perfect explanation of what love is. And we've been told repeatedly God is love. Why is looking at things from a different so unappealing to us?

I kinda feel like everything on a molecular level and how we seem to exist is based on quantum physics. This in part being that God is the ultimate mathematician. He exists and in almost all religions we're supposed to keep our bodies sacred because it's a temple. Because God is within us. The Love that we try to create and share and have relationships, and families,  and friends. That's God. And if we all boil down to a scientific principle of what our fundamental structure is, it's  math, and numbers at basic beginings are shapes, and color, and light. It's geometry.

It's like cymantics, the study of sound. Different tones are numbers when you tear them down to frequencies. I've watched them do experiments with different tones and liquids. It moves the liquid in different harmonic intricate patterns. If you add different substances like cornstarch to the liquid, it actually begins to make the liquid rise still making patterns in what to start to look like forms.

In Christianity we're told God made us from dust. He is the potter, we are the clay. And scientifically we're made of star dust. Our bodies are made up of how much water? At the right frequency with the right substance, with the correct tone, I think that's how life started. I image there was nothing. And out of that nothing came a sound. And from that sound exploded consciousness. What was that? And then possibly the big bang theory. But God is the principle none the less. At the core of all things one consciousness that started it all. We call him many things, but it's Love.

Here's where I think it gets like super beautiful, what can you really do when you know absolutely everything?  Nothing. There is no expectation, or anticipation, there isn't any fun, or anything. I imagine it's ridiculously boring. So out of one consciousness spawned eternity. Survival. And hope. Why wouldn't you take pieces of yourself and hide them? In places where they don't know anything. And teach them love. Love makes things grow. I've seen another experiment with sound And telling jars of rice different things. But nothing grows without love. Not plants, not people, not life. I'm sure the big guy upstairs knows the outcome, he invented everything. We all have a piece of him. The light. The it. Its why from space the universe looks the same as brain mapping.

Pieces of one bigger thing. Playing hide and go seek, continuing our existence through Love. But if everything is made up of the same thing colors and shapes, then we're all perfectly stemmed from the same place. And who hates the shapes and colors of everything? No one. So in the mist of our lower brained selves we have been diluted into being racist, greedy, whores to the US government.  We separate our selves and use fear as a driving force.

If we all realized we actually were the same thing, I bet it would be a lot easier to love your neighbor. To do what Buddhist to and honor the God within them. And its there in good old Christianity too. The Holy Trinity. The Father, Son, and Spirit? It's everywhere. We just see it from different perspectives. 
Clearly we would want the best for us. But to know good you have to know bad. And then we can fundamentally reproduce and grow. Harmony. Duality.  Balance. Different factors. That's why God is always there. Why you can appeal to him. He is you. He is everything. And when you think of it that way. You are everything. That's why Love and greatness show the best possible scenario for growing in consciousness to be eternal. Love grows. God grows. This is where we now find infinite. He gave Christ as a martyr, to show how to endure, because we do know duality and not the big picture.

Who doesn't want the greatest story ever told to be about love and stars? With a whole bunch of ups and downs to keep us on the the edge of your seat?

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