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Thursday, August 20, 2015

It's Not

It not that God lies. Its that he out smarts you. See you think he could be saying one thing but meaning another. And how can you do the daunting task of questioning what he already knows that you think you know, because only the ego tries to control.

I know you love your markers, but isn't what I gave you better? Better?? Yes. It was splendid and incredible.  But you know I love my markers. You know. So then if you created me to be me, then have to understand that I'm the kind of person who is going to fight for markers. 

Because of compromise.  I could be comprising what could be better. I know. But I want my markers. I think that would be good too.  Do good things.

But you told me I could have the desires of my heart. Why such trickery? It's such a closed door.

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