Look You can Stalk me.. It's cool

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Douche.. capital D.

Once a Douche bag always a Douche bag. I try to be cool. I tried communication. I feel stupid as is for allowing myself to be venerable to him and opening up. But I think mostly I have a right to be bitter.

In general over the course of the entire situation. And mostly I can love people from a far. I love everyone. But I wish you the best, dueces. And I'm good. Nostalgia gets the best of me occasionally and thus this situation. But he's done shitty things to me as a human in general. I try to be a good human. A kind human. A thinking of more than myself human.

And he's almost 42 with a smaller penis. And a big dick attitude. He's a jerk. And I remembered all the fun times and I love to have fun??? This fucker not only has to get weird, and mean... in public again. I dunno. Fuck him. Just fuck him.

Reasons to stay alone: Men don't grow up they grow worse. And I like to have fun. And most are not fun at all. Most are lazy, babies without pampers, instead they have supersized fragile egos they take out on everyone.

Clearly... And I do mean abundantly clearly ... Ed is not for me. Duh.

Today my sister sent me a screenshot of him liking her fb status. A picture that says. "Don't have sex with your coworkers" .... he was the first person to like it. She died laughing.

How childish?.. I promise that was intentional so I would see it. He is that petty. And I just don't get it. I was going to say I didn't do anything to him but i did go off on him this time. I did try to make amends after the fact for work sake but he just ignored me so.. What the fuck ever.

Mostly I'm finna smoke some weed and I don't give a fuck. It was a thing, it's not,  it's cool. Whatever. But everything in me wanted to comment on it and say...

Especially if they have little dicks.

But I didn't. I can vent here way better option. Like how can you keep walking around with so much ugly?? I'm sure we will encounter one another at work. I plan on going about my business as I always have. That's it. Nothing more nothing less.

But just ggggrrrrrr today. I'm not mad he's a douche. I'm mad I gave such a fucking douche the time of day. Like why try and see passed his red flags.

And not that it's very nice but I ain't tripping cause I ain't a part of his life. Like 100% the whole scenario is fucked. He's in love with his roommates chic and vise versa. And that's crazy fucking drama. No thanks. I have fun but I'm quiet at home. That's where you go for rest. All that tension. All those uneasy unhealthy vibes. I'm good... hard no for me.

Tripping. Dudes be fucking tripping. 

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