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Friday, September 7, 2018

Is it wrong to drink a gallon of wine a day?

As my 12 year comes out to the deck, where no lie, I'm hiding from his crappy attitude. I feel my fingers pull on my facial skin including my dragging down my eyeballs.
How the fuck am I going to make it through puberty? I've figured out why God makes babies cute when they're small. It's so we appreciate every small helpless things they do. So when puberty comes, we are way less likely to drown them in bathtubs or drive off a cliff in the middle of a "My brother just told me to shut up" argument on the freeway.
I've always had a morose sense of humor. Letting people know if I ever end up on that show snapped, it was because my kids refused to fill the ice cube trays.
Why is it illegal to beat our kids again?
I'm currently dealing with a special needs force of nature because he was told to mow the lawn when I went to the grocery store.
I had to pick up medication (in crippling pain) and stuff for dinner. He left, I got home had to search for him. And when I said you're grounded for two weeks, he said, I don't care.  Well this little asshat (I can call him that he's mine) decided to steal an old cell phone of mine. With information I still currently need. Deny deny deny. What's worse is my daughter snapped a picture of him with it and he tried to lie and say she 'edited the photo'
Obviously an almost laughable offense. But now he's not even grounded upstairs where in the room he would have the phone, as well as a PlayStation and tv.
Why can't I just drink a gallon of wine a day without judgment?

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