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Thursday, September 13, 2018

The right combo

Apparently tonight's cocktail for sleep was not as effective as lasts, which using myself as my own test subject does lead me to the best conclusions. I'm getting ready to double last nights dose, as yesterday, even broken did allow for a small part of REM sleep. I remember dreaming. I slept from roughly 4 am to 6 am... and then from 6:05 to around 11ish in the morning. So leaps and bounds actually. Hoping we aren't going to have to double dose every night just find an effective method to sleep. I also didn't have to force myself to eat, which was kind of nice.

How do people manage this shit naturally? Also they should sell adult formula benadryl at the store in liquid form. I didn't want to use children's. I think it may of been just the store though. Going to keep my eyes peeled for that.

I don't now how well my liver handles all of this. But you know we all die one day? So I also wonder where I can find other real insomniacs... see what the hell they do besides take trazadone. That shit will knock me out but it's not peaceful, there is zero REM sleep, no dreams which is a waste of sleep if you're not getting them. Or at least me, I get awesome dreams, where I relax, and they are vivid and intense, and I love my dream state. It's my own personal nightly adventure. ... and I'm sure I intake to much alcohol to take ambian... Robot Chicken is on. I've been contemplating trying edibles to sleep. I know I can't smoke, but at least it's natural and better for me.

I start my new class on Tuesday. I'm kinda excited to do that. It's on my bucket list. ASL. I want to attempt to learn a new language every year. This way I can embrace all aspects of life. I think that's important. It also will take up some of my nothing time.

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