Look You can Stalk me.. It's cool

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Kingsly and the Jamacians

So I met the one day fiance because I was working at subway. I know highly fascinating job Right? And he was a regular customer who was talking with another coworker next to me asking if they knew anyone that would ever marry someone for a green card?

I chimed in. Me. Lol. He asked if I was serious, and I was. Hell at this point in my life I have up all hope on marriage. Being half beaten to death more times than I'd ever like to recount. And cheated and lied to, what the hell why not?

He said he had a nephew he wanted me to meet he was here on Visa. Cool.
His name was Mickey,  actually that wasn't his name, his real name was O'Neil and everyone just called him that. Or bosspants?

This guy was like Tyrese meets Taye Digs. He said he was single and wanted to stay in the states. He worked here and his family was here. We hit it off. Walks on the beach, talking about our lives. Storybook ass shit.

I have an instinct in my gut like no other I've ever met.. Being an empath sucks a lot of the time. So I asked him over and over again if he was only trying to marry me to bring his family here. He told me he had a daughter but her mother and him had been separated. I didn't let it go.

There is no way, (I'm not gorgeous but I'm not ugly) this fine ass man wanted to marry me without more reason.

I remember Jamacians threw the best parties. Man those dudes can cook. And drink. And all the females had to stay in the house while the men sat around eating, BBQing, drinking, and playing dominos. Which I was rather good at myself.

Anytime I asked if they wanted me to go be with the other woman, they told me no, I didn't have to. Although when it came to wanting to be a good wife, I fetched plates,  took them away, cleaned up after them, and always made sure they had a full beer. They loved me.

I thought it was set in stone I was to be Mickeys wife. Until after I turned down an opportunity to go to one of their festivities one day, I ended up randomly showing up. There was another girl there with him. I was shocked, and everyone knew who I was. So his friend who I always called Shelley Belly, grabbed me up, and told me to pretend I was his girl. I wanted no beef what so ever. Mickey had this friend named Buhdda that looked like he ate people's bones for fun.

So I sat on the back of the truck with Shelly Belly playing my part.

After I got home I got the call. Explaining that Kingsly didn't necessarily like me and wanted him to have options.

The more we hung out the more I promised that if this was really a ploy to bring his family here, I would still marry him. I didn't need to look like a fool. Not now not later.

Until one day we were sitting in his room, and in a still small very meak voice, he asked me... did you really mean what you said if I had a family?

I said of course I did. And he admitted to me he did. And if I was serious, he didn't want the other options from his uncle, he wanted me. I thanked him. I also told him things would change.

He asked what? I was originally offered 10k for doing this. We had already been intimate. I told him, I didn't want the money and the sex had to stop.

He asked me why am I the person I am?

To which I told him, I would hate having to pretend to love someone just to be able to get my family out a place full of poverty and war. That I wouldn't want to be intimate with another woman's man as that would break so many hearts and trust. It's not worth it. But I am a woman of my word and I will marry you.

I did tell him he had to provide me with a car for us. (Didn't care what kind, mine just died) that way while we were living together I could always come back to visit my family. Told him I didn't even need a ring. He disagreed about the ring,  but I told him that money could go back home.

This was the time I thought he was a good man.

When I say that Jamacians make the best food and the men cook, they put their whole damn foot in it. So I got a friend. And we were ok.

Except Kingsly... who for some reason wasn't my biggest fan. (Women were to be very little seen and even less heard).

I was welcomed with open arms by all the other men. Kingsly was also a pig. Had a wife and children. And always asking me where are the girls? Bring girls... And frankly so did a lot of the married men.

So at one such party, with all the women in the house, I brought three girls I knew. Hoes. Real hoes you have to pay money for. Frankly I was tired of being asked to bring women.

So at first while they worked the party, the men were so excited to hit on them and have their passes received.. Until they realized they were hookers. The Jamacian women always disliked me, I never knew why, if anything I did it so they could get a good laugh. Their 'gillias' (Jamaicans slang for pimp like man) being shamed in front of them.

Only at the end of the party one of the younger Jamacians, I think anchor baby born here that was my age came up to me laughing hysterically.  He got my joke. He thought it was extremely funny.

Apparently my sense of humor wasn't as well received by everyone else. I'm glad someone got my joke?!

I'm pretty sure that's when Kingsly decided I was too much of a woman they couldn't control, and soon the demise of everything.

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