Look You can Stalk me.. It's cool

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

I keep dancing on my own

Ten pages total now. 3 for the previous chapter got completed before I rearranged my thoughts.

7  on the new chapter, which is nice because I know it'a only a part of the way done. Although, if  I'm keeping it real, isn't a very happy chapter to rehash either. None the less at least I can look at it third person and objectively. Important concept for my writing. My ass is starting to hurt though. I need to get a real work station. Sitting in front of the couch I sleep on every night at the laptop on the floor.

This is how I write. Occasionally getting up to smoke and stretch. I should be happy I got that much done, but honestly I'm thinking about how much I have to do. I know the next part of the piece is going to be a lot more than 7 more pages. He was a whirlwind. I got stories for days about him.

All of me just wants to text Ed and asks if he hates me. I think I'd only be adding fuel to the fire. Doesn't stop me from having to tell  my brain not to do something. I need to keep being distracted.

Working is helping. This song on repeat isn't though. And if I wasn't so in love with it, I could turn it off. It's what I fell asleep to last night.

I just had a comment for the story I submitted for the book from one of the curators. She said it was quite powerful. I lived it. I know. It's the ugly truth I wasn't afraid to look back on now. 

1 comment:

  1. Jason, Staying Free is a Cost of Losing out on Your Perfact Desire2Have a Love That You Long4,Never Giveup,NCXXX.Ciao.Florence.
