Look You can Stalk me.. It's cool

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mr Hottie Police Officer

So I've been in my bubble all day. I decided I needed some cigarettes and a walk. So I put the headphones on and start my journey...

I'm walking through the park and an officer is out of the car, with the door open, and across the street. Now I have no idea what cop it is, we've had a bunch of new ones here. So I remove a side of my headphones and let them know the only reason they can get away with that is because of the town we live in. He starts walking up asking me to repeat myself.

I know this voice. As he's approaching I realize it's Jason. I'm pleasantly surprised because he quit our force a few years ago. With my son being a constant mess I've had my share of run ins with him. So we start talking... for 20 minutes catching up. He's talking to me about what he's up to in life, where he's been, how long he's been back, how often he's here, how much he's making here and at his other full time job. ... 🤔 strange but okay. And he's fucking hot.

So I'm chatting it up, highly interested. He's one of the good guys. And we keep up this nice little chat until another local pulls up and beckons his name out. Apparently all of us locals are happy he's back. I say goodbye and put my headphones back on and start my trail again. This time with a little extra pep in my step.

On the way back from the gas station... that he knew I was walking to because he asked what I was out doing... he pulls up in front of me at the fire station, gets out of the car and starts talking to me some more 🤔....

Way more brief this time. But he's eye fucking me. I can dig it. Really I can. So as I'm about to walk away he says something and slightly turns his head. I give him a good small eye fuck back and tell him goodnight. Go back to strutting my stuff to my music.

Hello.. yes please... wear the uniform too..

That was a nice break of my day. Perked me up some.

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