Look You can Stalk me.. It's cool

Thursday, October 11, 2018

So I'm like sick

Like actually sick. I have this bad habit of pretending I'm not getting sick before I do. Like I can feel it coming and perhaps if I deny it's there it will disappear. I don't get sick that often. It maybe works sometimes? Not this one.

I blame this on the horrible joke I made earlier in my blog. Saying I'd get that chic sick just to make her soup. I swear it was just a joke Universe. And I'm chugging dayquil now. FML. I'm still super geeked about the feature. And with that comes the will to write more. But with the sick to sleep or not to sleep. I'm on a publishing high. I should rest, and eat soup. I have my tea next to me.

I was in the store buying medicine last night and as I'm looking through all the different bottles confusion set in. I was officially that person talking to myself out loud in the isle and then looking around for a more adulter adult. Like I had serious questions in that moment. One's maybe I should of thought of before. How is this medicine going to fix both my runny nose and my stuffy nose. And my bigger question was how was this even possible. To both simultaneously not be able to breathe and be stuffy but being able to run at the same time.

What medicine should I get? And then the fucked up part..... which color of medicine? You ever notice red, the better of the flavor colors is the mildest. I'm sick enough for the blue. And I go liquid because it works faster. So fucking gross. And rather than write from my outline I drafted which has plenty to do, I'm here, contemplating eating food and blogging.

And I'm a horrible sick person. I want to be babied but watch out if you piss me off. I parked right next to the entrance of the store last night, closest one to the meds. I grab a couple boxes of tea, contemplate medicine and colors for about ten minutes, and self check out. Not one person helping me. I go to walk out and they close that entrance. Are you fucking serious? That's when the douche of a dude is walking up as I'm now angry I can't get out and have to walk all the way around and he's shrugging his shoulders and saying... yeah, sorry.


I'm an everyday asshole. I was thinking about way to describe this in my writing and I decided the sentence to best encompass me is this. I'm the kind of girl to give the homeless guy on the corner money and then scream profanities at the car ahead of me for not moving fast enough when the light turns green.

And that's me.

You're allowed to chug from the dayquil bottle every two hours right?

Also as if waking up extra sick wasn't enough, I lost one of my fucking plugs. Which I tried to wrap tape around to tighten the other day and it wouldn't go in. They have fucking flares. I can't walk around with one in and one out. And I was instantly reminded of how pissed I get when I lose them and why I stopped wearing them in the first place.


Also... Because it's hilarious.. I got grounded off twitter. Not for calling the president and idiot on a nearly everyday basis... but because I made an old red fox joke saying your wife is the most expensive whore you'll ever own...

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